Tamilnadu Test House provides the testing of Plant Growth Hormones in Biofertilizers. The development of plants depends on three main factors: environmental factors, nutritional requirements, and plant growth hormones.
The growth hormones are the essential regulators of growth, differentiation, and development in plants. They have an important role as signaling molecules and any changes in the concentration of these molecules mediate several developmental responses, including responses in combination with environmental factors and stress responses.
Plant growth hormones are defined as a group of naturally occurring, organic substances which influence physiological processes at low concentrations. They are also termed plant growth regulators or phytohormones

The plant produces a wide range of growth hormones but some of the well-known and well-studied include auxin, cytokinin, gibberellins, abscisic acids, ethylene, brassinosteroids, polyamines, jasmonic acids, salicylic acids, and strigolactones.
Auxins stimulate cell division in the cambium. In tissue culture, it serves the same purpose when used in combination with cytokinin.
Cytokinin causes crown gall tumors in plants. And, in tissue culture, it induces cell division in combination with auxin.
Gibberellins cause hyper-elongation of stems by stimulating both cell division and cell elongation.
An increase in ABA concentration due to water shortage leads to stomatal closure.
Ethylene is responsible for triple response in plants. That is, before soil emergence, dark-grown seedlings display a decrease in stem elongation, a thickening of the stem, and a transition to lateral growth.
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